“Follow your bliss."
- Joseph Campbell
How often do we ponder what our 80-year-old self's will conclude about the ways we're living today?
Do we think they'll have areas they wish more time were spent?
Do we have any idea what those areas might be? And if we don't know, should we maybe start trying to find out?
That is what this post is about. The finding. The seeking.
Studying the lives of creatives has lit a fire, now enraging through what was but a long, hollowed shell. Helping to fill my recently barren voids with meaning, with life.
Here are a few resources that helped ignite a blaze that's helped burn my dross, and replace it with meaning and direction. These are only some, but they're excellent starting points if you want to change your life, which always, also, means the world.
At the start of my transformation came a podcast titled:
The Tim Ferris Show
If you don't know who Tim Ferris is, or what his passion projects entail, he's basically a gift to all who want to create or live their most artistic, meaningful lives — or, most importantly, find your meaning.
You'll see more of this generous human's work below, and I can't recommend it enough if you're seeking more depth and fulfillment in your one, precious life.
Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris
The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander, Benjamin Stone Zander
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
Greenlights by Mathew McConaughey
Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferris
On Writing by Stephen King
Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Huroki Murakami
The Artists Way by Julia Cameron
The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell, Bill Moyers
The highlighted books are based on the creative endeavors of writing, but they can encompass any other creative outlet you'd wish to explore or cultivate more of in your life.
